I mean, "Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job!" would seem to signify a complete and total distrust of mass media. The fever-dream comedy show of Adult Swim is a perfect send-up of how we receive information, and gleefully mocks modern media conventions. Be it softcore eroticism, depictions of local television, drug-incuced diatribes, or my inspired spoofs on advertising, I love what Time Heidecker and Eric Wareheim have to say about what we watch.
I mean, check this skit from "T&E":
Yes, as a matter of fact I am late to their trendiness. But, what makes the duo relevant at the moment is their ironic involvement in proper advertising. I mean, upon first glance, you'd think these guys hated media, what with their constant need to spoof and satirize it. Yet, it's their perfect tone in replicating ads that shows a certain, guilt-ridden fondness for ads.
And, maybe that's why they've created some of the finest ads I've seen of late. I mean, I actually look this stuff up on Youtube.
1. Hopkins explained this to me. T&E got $30,000 to make a series of shorts for Absolut. So, what they gave the public was dadaist brilliance, featuring Zach Galiafanakis in a bufont. I love that the actual product is besides the point, and the duo use it to mock the conventions of coolness that alcohol companies are so known for making us chug.
2. Terry Crews is a freaking beast. Old Spice is on a roll this year, what with the Isaiah Mustafah ads. And the worst part is that I actually bought this stuff. And, I like it, not just because of its purpose, but because Time & Eric made it silly, fun and funny to own "ODOR BLOCKER!!!"
3. The thing is, I watched this in its entirety on Comedy Central. I didn't think to change the channel. I was damn near hypnotized by it. And ... I want some Red Stripe now. Dang.
In conclusion, advertising is a powerful thing. And if you know how to work within its confines while subverting it and being creative with it, like Tim & Eric ... I'll buy your shit.
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