27 July 2010

Frugal Theater: "RAN"

1. This has got to go into my list of favorite films that use color exceptionally well. I'm thinking, it could make top five along with "The Adventures of Robin Hood" and 'The Red Shoes?" I mean, the simple, observational imagery — the stunning majesty of Kurosawa's long shots and compositions — alone makes this totally worthwhile. I mean, brutal and majestic battle scenes with base-color armored warriors is too cool.

2. Oh, besides the color, this is a super classic from Akira Kurosawa. Considered his last great, epic film, "RAN" is a terribly pessimistic on "King Lear" about a father and his sons dividing an empire only to bring about war. Deceptively simple in narrative, yet completely epic in tone style, "RAN" is a masterpiece. If only I started watching Kurosawa flicks sooner.

3. Just watch the thing already! I know you've got 160 minutes to spare! Don't you?

Ch-ch-check it out:

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