"So manly, they could kiss.'"
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
(2007) Sidney Lumet
Make way for super drama. If ever there was a film that both deepens and destroys my faith in humanity, this would be it. Sidney Lumet's grand standing master tragedy of sibling rivalry was a film that made you leave a theater hateful, cold, and wanting to be alone. Yet, simultaneously it reaffirmed your faith in your self as a good person. No one could possibly be this capable of such evil. Right? Painfully familiar, yet salaciously cinematic, "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" was Lumet's best in two decades, and easily one of the best of the decade. A wholly dark and original piece of filmmaking, "Devil" was sensational and sadly under-seen.
YOWCHEE! http://www.youtube.com

"I know it deflates the weight of the situtation, but ... it's the dude from '30 Rock!'"
United 93
(2006) Paul Greengrass
I can assure you, there's not a single exploitative bone in this film's body. "United 93" is a tremendously important reminder of film's capability to capture and reflect upon that rare and fleeting concept: zeitgeist. Its necessity has been argued, but like "Battle of Algiers" before it, "United 93" acts as a cautious, gripping reminder of what's going on in our world. Greengrass hits every right note, from the realistic casting (actual air-traffickers from 911 were used), to the breathless pacing, to the melancholic awareness of this flight on that day and the ultimate heroism that emerges. "United 93" is required reading from the last decade. It's just too important. Don't be afraid. When it all seems like it's going to hell, in the end, you feel like you've experienced something truly important, that no one will forget.
Stop being a baby, and watch this already. Harrowing, yet heroic: http://www.youtube.com

"No cellphone to throw, eh?'"
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
(2003) Peter Weir
Is this the decade's greatest adventure? Well, absolutely mate. And it was made by that Australian poet Peter Weir? Think of it this way. The decade was full of car chases, homoerotic male bonding, and piss-poor and repetitive imagery. And in terms of seafaring stories, a certain drunken Richards acolyte made it very hard for others to be taken seriously. But see, a film like "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" may never, ever happen again. A bold, brilliant epic of the sea, that used its high price tag to combine old school adventure, with the latest innovations in visual creation. Like Errol Flynn's "Captain Blood" or "Robin Hood," "Master and Commander" is an everlasting ode to adventure.
Yes, it's the ending. But it's THAT GOOD: http://www.youtube.com

"I can hear the baby kicking.'"
In the Bedroom
(2001) Todd Field
Two important things about this movie:
1. It is a melancholic masterpiece of domestic drama, worthy of the best Cassavetes or Sirk. Beautiful, stirring and assured, "In the Bedroom" is perfect.
2. I've thought this since I first saw the film: If I EVER made a movie? I'd want it to be just like this one. Can't really explain why. But this movie always makes me feel something just a bit deeper than anything I've seen.
The only good clip I could find. You should just borrow it from me: http://www.youtube.com

"Sigh. My thing for damaged goods comes full circle.'"
The Dark Knight
(2008) Christopher Nolan
You don't think it's film of the decade?
Then come at me bro.
I don't think I need to do much more work on this guy. It's canonically classic.
And in case you're wondering? Yes. Absolutely. I am wearing the too tight "Dark Knight" tee-shirt as I write this.
How I'll always think of this film: http://www.youtube.com
Added BONUS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPaTv98wUsE
Ultimate BONUS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj-L1WD-3WU&feature=related
Supreme BONUS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIj2uL2f1rE
Cool blog as for me. I'd like to read something more concerning this matter. The only thing it would also be great to see on this blog is some pics of any gadgets.
Katherine Kripke
phone jammers
I definitely want to read more on that site soon. By the way, pretty good design you have here, but how about changing it every few months?
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